Journal of Enhanced Studies in Informatics and Computer Applications 2024-03-21T03:52:09+00:00 Risqy Siwi pradini Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Enhanced Studies in Informatics and Computer Applications (JESICA) is an international peer-reviewed journal that aims to provide the best analysis and discussion to its readers in the development scope of Data Science, Software Engineering, Computer Applications, Health Informatics, and Internet of Things. JESICA publishes original research findings and quality scientific articles that present cutting-edge approaches including methods, techniques, tools, implementation, and applications.</p> <p><img src=""></p> Combination Of HCD, Persona, MVP, and Thumb Zone for Designing TNI Physical Fitness Monitoring Application 2024-03-21T03:52:09+00:00 Wirpan Atmaja Putra Wahyu Teja Kusuma <p align="justify">This research contributed to producing a combination of design methods and design of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) physical fitness monitoring application. This research is very important because TNI institutions really need a physical fitness monitoring application to be able to make the right decisions. The design of the physical fitness monitoring application primarily uses the Human-Centered Design (HCD) method which is then combined with the Persona, Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and The Thumb Zone methods. The combination of HCD with Persona has been proven to be used to understand and determine usage content and user needs. The combination of HCD with MVP has proven to be able to be used to produce design solutions to meet user needs. The combination of HCD with Thumb Zone has proven to be able to be used to evaluate designs against user needs. Finally, as many as 20 Persona respondents agreed that the combination of HCD, Persona, MVP, and Thumb Zone proved reliable for producing physical fitness monitoring application design solutions that can be used naturally and meet the needs of TNI.</p> 2024-02-26T12:12:15+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Enhanced Studies in Informatics and Computer Applications Evaluation of SIAKAD ITSK RS dr. Soepraoen using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 2024-03-21T03:52:06+00:00 Ahsanun Naseh Khudori Risqy Siwi Pradini Nindynar Rikatsih <p>Institut Teknologi, Sains, dan Kesehatan (ITSK) RS dr. Soepraoen is one of the higher education institutions that implements academic information systems in the process of providing education. The academic information system (SIAKAD) involves many users and many data processings, so there is possibility of problems with network access. Therefore, an evaluation is needed to determine user’s acceptances of the performance of SIAKAD which has been used so far at ITSK. The evaluation model proposed in this research is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which is a model that provides perceptions based on the experiences experienced by users. This research used a questionnaire instrument which was distributed to all SIAKAD ITSK users. The expected result is a positive percentage that will describe the correct system performance and a negative percentage that can be an input for further improvements to SIAKAD ITSK.</p> 2024-02-26T12:57:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Enhanced Studies in Informatics and Computer Applications Development of a Space Rental Website Using Design Thinking 2024-03-21T03:52:03+00:00 Cantika Nur Previana Risqy Siwi Pradini Jenike Gracelya Noke <p>The large number of events held in Malang City has created a need for a place to hold these events. This need opens opportunities for developing venue rental applications to make it easier to search and book rooms according to the needs of each event. This research develops "Paketempat", which is a rental website located in Malang City using the Design Thinking method. The DT phases used include inspiration, ideation, and implementation. The Paketempat website was successfully developed using Laravel and MySQL. Based on the TAM questionnaire distributed to 20 testers, the majority answered strongly agree or gave 3 points. This proves that Paketempat can bridge space providers and tenants easily and quickly. Through Paketempat, individuals, communities, organizations, and groups can rent a suitable venue for their desired event or activity according to their budget and needs.</p> 2024-02-26T13:10:28+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Enhanced Studies in Informatics and Computer Applications Use Discriminant Analysis to Identify Eroticism-Related Terms in The Lyrics of Dangdut Songs 2024-03-21T03:52:00+00:00 Herry Wahyu Wibowo Muhammad Hasbi Mochammad Anshori <p>The song "Dangdut" is one of the most popular songs in Indonesia, having gained popularity from the 1960s until the present. It's even been acknowledged as authentic Indonesian music. There are both positive and negative effects on the pendengarnya of lagu dangdut. Positive dampening can lower stress levels, and negative dampening occurs when emotions are heightened. If this was brought up by a young child who was not yet fully grown, it would give them a hard time and negatively impact their journey. According to this framework, it is recommended that any eroticism in the lyrics of dance music be identified. It is therefore advised to look for signs of sexuality in the lyrics of dangdut songs. The intention is to restrict and filter the music that kids can listen to. Using LDA and QDA classifiers in conjunction with natural language processing is the suggested approach. According to research findings, LDA can identify more than QDA. The LDA examination yielded the following results: recall = 56.522%, accuracy = 56.522%, precision = 79.13%, and F1score = 65.942%. It has been demonstrated that discriminant analysis, particularly LDA, is useful for classification, as QDA has not shown itself to be the most effective method in this instance.</p> 2024-02-27T01:30:56+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Enhanced Studies in Informatics and Computer Applications Development of Basic Finger Shapes Indonesian Traditional Dance Application Using Color-Based Hand Gesture Recognition 2024-03-21T03:51:58+00:00 Henokh Kristiawan Wahyu Teja Kusuma Risqy Siwi Pradini <p>UNESCO stated that Indonesian traditional dance is a world cultural heritage that must be preserved and maintained. Efforts made by the government to preserve traditional dance are still not successful. Research shows that students have difficulty in learning traditional Indonesian dance exercises. Therefore, this study develops a solution that focuses on the difficulty of learning the basic finger postures in traditional Indonesian dances. This is important because fingers are instruments in dancing that have meaningful forms, such as Closed Urang Chopsticks, Nyempurit, Ngruji, Open Urang Chopsticks, Ke-pelan, Baya Mangap, and Ngithing. Learning the practice of basic finger postures aims to provide an independent learning experience through repetitive movements to strengthen or strengthen. This research has succeeded in making a real-time Color-Based Hand Gesture Recognition application for reliable Android devices. This is evidenced by applications that can function well in test scenarios with varying lighting and background conditions. Finally, students can learn the hand gestures of traditional Indonesian dances independently with ease. In addition, the application of the results of this research also contributes to becoming a learning medium in the current era of Blended Learning. Suggestions for future research are to increase the accuracy of Nyempurit and Ngithing attitudes.</p> 2024-02-27T02:03:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Enhanced Studies in Informatics and Computer Applications