Development of an Alokon Stock Management Information System Using a Lean Development Approach

  • Risqy Siwi Pradini Institut Teknologi, Sains, dan Kesehatan RS.DR. Soepraoen Kesdam V/BRW
  • Agus Widodo Institut Teknologi, Sains, dan Kesehatan RS.DR. Soepraoen Kesdam V/BRW
Keywords: Information System, Lean Development, Stock Monitoring, Alokon


This study explores the development of an Alokon Stock Management Information System using the Lean Development approach to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of stock management for contraceptive devices and drugs (alokon) distributed by the Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, and Family Planning Service in Indonesia. Alokon plays a critical role in family planning and reproductive health services. The research aims to address challenges such as inaccurate stock data, distribution delays, and the inability to meet demand promptly, which can disrupt health services. The Lean Development approach, emphasizing principles such as eliminating waste, strengthening learning, and delivering results quickly, was employed to create a responsive and adaptive system tailored to user needs. The resulting system incorporates features for managing alokon data, monitoring stock levels, and generating reports to ensure adequate stock availability and timely distribution. Evaluation of the system's usability was conducted using the System Usability Scale (SUS), involving ten respondents from the primary user groups. The average SUS score was 75, indicating a good level of usability. Users reported the system as comfortable and easy to use, although feedback highlighted areas for further improvement.


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How to Cite
Pradini, R. S., & Widodo, A. (2024). Development of an Alokon Stock Management Information System Using a Lean Development Approach. Journal of Enhanced Studies in Informatics and Computer Applications, 1(2), 56-61.